Two New Laws Governing Cell Growth Rate Variances,

Type: Article
Price: $5.00


Two New Laws Governing Cell Growth Rate Variances: Small variance for identical start time band its return to normal -  P Vengaraju, A Hankey,. R Mavathur



Context: Cell growth is widely variable. In industrial applications, such processes yield un-predictable amounts and quality of product. Scientific reasons for high variances are un-known.

Aims: to begin to solve this variability dilemma.

Methods and Materials: a series of bacterial growth experiments studying variability in ex-potential phase growth rates of E. Coli cells.

Results: Variances are smaller between growth processes with identical inoculation time than the overall variance for the whole series of experiments. Second, this small variance gradually increases to the overall variance when groups of growth curves are select-ed over increasing periods of time.

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