Book Review: Good Living Practices, Tobin Hack, AH

Type: Article
Price: $5.00


Abstract: Amidist the global upheaval and polarization for which the year 2020 will be remembered, molecular neuroscientist, Ayurvedic practitioner, and yoga instructor Dr. Rammohan Rao has made a timely offering, Good Living Practices is a meticulously organized, empowering, and accessible guide to the basics of health and wellness, as outlined by Vedic principles and supported by modern scientific evidence. Dr. Rao has watched as many health and wellness resources have become increasingly hyperfocused on single practices, principles, or tools, sometimes missing the forest for the trees. A wellness book or plan might, for example, cover a very specific paleo diet, B vitamin, or exercise modality in great depth, without addressing the role that emotions must neccessarily play in healing, or without acknowledging our fundamental human need to connect with other living beings through selfless service. With Good Living Practices, Dr. Rao wishes to ground his reader in "the importance of keeping the body, mind and emotions in sync, as one unit" - the whole, broad pictue - and to provide a kit of practical tools ready to be used to that end.

Good Living Practices

Author: Dr. Rammohan Rao, PhD, 2020, 206pp

ISBN 9780578673059

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